Who we are

               A figure of compassion, justice, equality, love and unity, Shri Guru Nanak Sahib illuminated a divine path for humanity. Following this divine path, the Sikh Education Society recognized the significance of girls’ education in the modern society. This thought was provided with the grab of reality in 2000 in the form of Shri Guru Nanak Girls’ Degree College, self-finance college duly affiliated from University of Lucknow.

               Since then the college is spreading the light of education in the society especially for the girl students. Women education greatly influences the progress of any nation. For the upliftment of the society, it is needed that its women are educated. Keeping this view in mind, India too is marching towards ‘Women Empowerment’ through women education.

               Value enriched education not only enhances vocational skills to survive in competitive environment but also helps in character building, moral development and self realization of the individual.

               Today, education is expected to develop an individual to be confident, self reliant and empathetic, analytic and compassionate. The college abides by all these basic principles for providing quality education to its students and is slowly but firmly making its presence felt among various reputed academic institutions in the city.

               The college was started with faculty of Arts in the year 2000;gained the minority status in the year 2005 and soon it widened its sphere to Faculty of Commerce in 2006. Since then, both the faculties are running successfully enriched with competent faculty members.The college has started M.Com(Pure), M.A.(Home Science) and B.Com(H) M.Com(Applied), M.A.(Education) and B.B.A to further spread light of education in society.

               The college aims at promoting excellence and for the realization of this goal, interactive teaching and learning sessions are conducted. Regular periods are allocated for the subjects and various workshops, seminars, tests, career counseling sessions are held from time to time for preparing and judging the students for the university examination as well as for the competition they will be exposed to in contemporary world and everyday life so that they may emerge as a winner in all spheres of life .

               The college aims at an all round development of its students. To meet this goal, a supervised program of co-curricular activities is conducted by various departments to motivate & channelize their energy and skills in a positive direction.


Sri Gurunanak Dev Ji

Sri Gurunanak Dev Ji

Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji was born in 1469 in Talwandi, a village in the Sheikhupura district, 65 kms. west of Lahore. By all accounts, 1496 was the year of his enlightenment when he started on his mission. His first statement after his prophetic communion with God was “There is no Hindu, nor any Mussalman.” This is an announcement of supreme significance it declared not only the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God, but also his clear and primary interest not in any metaphysical doctrine but only in man and his fate.

In fourteenth century, before the time Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Indian women were severely degraded and oppressed by their society. Given no education or freedom to make decisions, their presence in religious, political, social, cultural, and economic affairs was virtually non-existent. Woman was referred to as the root of all evil, snare, and temptress. Her function was only to perpetuate the race, do household work, and serve the male members of society. Female infanticide was common, and the practice of sati was encouraged, sometimes even forced.

In such a climate Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism shocked the entire society by preaching that women were worthy of praise and equal to men. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned this man-made notion of the inferiority of women, and protested against their long subjugation. The Ultimate Truth was revealed to Guru Nanak Dev Ji through a mystic experience, in direct communion with God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji conveys this Truth through his scripture as follows:

"From woman, man is born; Within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married. Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come. When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all."

Later on his following Gurus actively encouraged the participation of women as equals in worship, in society, and on the battlefield. They encouraged freedom of speech and women were allowed to participate in any and all religious activities including reading of the Guru Granth Sahib.

The human body is transitory; the difference between man and woman is only transitory, and as such superficial. Thus, according to Sikh ideology, all men and women possess equal status. All human beings, regardless of gender, caste, race, or birth, are judged only by their deeds. With this assertion, the Sikh Gurus invited women to join the holy congregation, work with men in the Langar (common kitchen), and participate in all other religious, social, and cultural activities of the Gurdwara Sahib (Sikh Church). The Gurus spoke against the practice of polygamy and preached to have only one wife.

As women began to partake in social, religious, and political affairs, their contribution and worth as equal partners of men became more obvious. The founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, reportedly said in 1499 that “[it] is a woman who keeps the race going” and that we should not “consider woman cursed and condemned, when from woman are born leaders and rulers.

Sri Gurunanak Dev Ji


Shri Gurunanak girls degree college is an exemplary dream project of a visionary who had contributed immensely to the field of education. The undaunted inspiration behind the institution with the object of moulding the present generation women into socially aware, responsible citizens of the world had been Sr. Rajwansh Singh Ji , our founder manager ;who always believed in not only imparting knowledge and information to the women , but also at inculcating in them the right values and principles, that are vital for character formation of youth which he believed forms the basis of every great nation.He thought of bringing to reality an institution dedicated to education, moldings young women into fearless ,just ,perseverant, responsible, law-abiding proud citizens proudly contributing to our nations development;without any bias or confusion.

He believed that rendering education is the highest service to humanity and should be delivered with perfection and devotion. The noble idea of Rajbansh Singh Ji still inspire the stake holders of the coveted institution to move forward on the path of institutional development concomitant to promotion of well being of society. Some of his landmark decisions include extending free education to girl students from economically weaker sections so that no girl child is deprived of education hence a successful and beautiful life . The lamp of educationhe lit by establishing Shri Guru Nanak Girls Degree College still continues to enlighten the lives of thousands of girls each year and is determined to do the same with increased Zeal, Sincerity and vision . Late Sr. Rajwansh Singh Ji

Sri Gurunanak Dev Ji


Dear Students,

Welcome you at Shri Gurunanak Girls Degree college.Our College, an institution of academic excellence and achievement, is amongst one of the finest colleges of Lucknowwhere we are imparting higher education to young women in India who all are a great human resource and the role of whom is critical for development of a nation. To empower women is to empower society and plinth of India.

Our teachers work hard throughout the year with the students to inculcate the quest for knowledge in our students and help them develop the skills and demeanour of lifelong learning, essential for making them a responsible global citizens, capable of facing the future with resilience and optimism. We offer a wide range of university and add-on courses that prepares the students for employment and higher education. We try to instil the values of mutual respect and trust in relationships that are the foundation of real success.I strongly believe that- All odds, all challenges and all handicaps of life can be overcome with strong determination, persistent hard work, insurmountable patience and unshakeable tenacity.

My best wishes to all the students entering Shri GuruNanak Girls Degree College and blessings for a wonderful life ahead.

With all the best wishes
Sr. Inder Mohan Singh (Manager)


Dear all,

A very warm welcome to you at Shri Guru Nanak Girls’ Degree College. Established in 2000 in the name of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Sahib, the college is affiliated to University Of Lucknow. With an eventful past, excellence remains our tradition both in academics and extracurricular activities. Our institution treats every student as special and facilitates them to experiment with cutting edge of contemporary thoughts and creativeness which help them to shape their aspirations and cherished area. Our college is known for academics, discipline student friendly environment including sports, NCC, NSS, cultural etc. its infrastructure including library, playground, canteen, WIFI, and IT based services are second to none. Our faculty is distinguished, dedicated and the supportive staffs are crucial in fulfilling our institutional goals. We acknowledge that we have to prepare our daughters for transforming emerging challenges of life & work place into exciting opportunities also realizing the fact that modernization cannot be dichotomous with our tradition. I view my role as catalyst in bringing out the best of inherent & latent potential in my students in creating a just and inclusive society. I welcome you in our vibrant campus and wish you all the best for future life ahead.

I look forward to seeing you in the campus and wish you all the best during your stay with us. Please feel free to reach me through mail.

With all the best wishes,

Dr Surbhi G. Garg
M.A. (Economics), B.Ed

Contact No: +91-9005195010
E-mail: surbhigarglko@gmail.com

Sri Gurunanak Dev Ji